Maidenhead Great Park's campaign to save publicly owned woodlands and greenspace from being concreted over

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The golf course planning application hearing has been postponed again as the Highways Agency have not been given all the information required.

We’ll let you know as soon as we know the new planning hearing date and we’ll organise a demonstration that evening asking our council to reject these environmentally damaging plans.

This outline planning application is being made by the joint venture partnership between Cala Homes and RBWM. The application seeks permission to build 1,500 homes on Maidenhead Golf Course.

Please do email us at if you’d like to join our email update list so we can keep you up to date.

Thousands of trees will be cut down if development goes ahead

Around 40 per cent of the publicly-owned land at Maidenhead Golf Course occupies is woodland, including five acres of ancient woodland at Rushington Copse.  The woodlands and green space at Maidenhead golf course provide important habitats for wildlife, including protected species like owls, bats and kestrels.

As well as destroying wildlife habitats, plans to develop Maidenhead Golf Course will significantly increase traffic, air pollution, sewage in our rivers, drought and flood risk in Maidenhead. 

Help us to highlight how this development will deprive future generations of the opportunity to use these publicly owned woodlands and areas of greenspace to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The golf course land should remain green so that our community can make the most of this publicly owned land for pollution absorption, water storage, mental and physical health and wellbeing and nature recovery.

It’s not too late to object

Please do support our campaign by objecting to these plans that will lead to the cutting down of thousands of trees, devastating our local wildlife.

How to object

You can simply email giving your reasons why you object to this planning application. Include the ref no 24/00091/OUT and give your full name and address. 

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