Please sign our new petition

Tina Quadrino has just added a new petition to the RBWM website asking the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to stop all plans to build on Maidenhead Golf Course, by rejecting the Borough Local Plan when it comes to Full Council for adoption.

Please do sign our petition here by 6 February, ahead of the RBWM Full Council meeting on 8 February, where they will be voting on whether or not to adopt the Borough Local Plan:$LO$=1

Our petition says:

Maidenhead Golf Course occupies 132 acres of council owned Green Belt land, of which around forty per cent is woodland. This important area of greenspace in our town centre provides a vital green lung for our community, absorbing pollution from local roads. It also provides habitat for a wide range of wildlife, including protected species like owls, hedgehogs, bats, kestrels and red kites.

The land was purchased by the Council in 1953 and it was reported in the local paper at the time that it was an ‘Action to preserve an open space’ and that the council ‘took the view that this land was scheduled as an open space in the development plan and that public ownership was the best way of ensuring it remained an open space.’

We ask our council to continue to preserve Maidenhead golf course as open space for the benefit of our community and remove it from the BLP.

Protecting greenspace and biodiversity is a vital part of the steps we must take to prepare for and mitigate against the effects of climate change.

We ask that the land is protected from development so that it continues to provide a vital green lung, important wildlife habitats, carbon sequestering, water storage and amenity for the people of Maidenhead.

If the greenspace of the golf course is protected from development, future generations will have the opportunity to use this space in the best way possible for the wellbeing of the people of Maidenhead. This could include tree planting, water storage, environmental education, community activities and amenity.

Please sign our petition asking our council to reject the Borough Local Plan which will give permission to build on the Green Belt land of Maidenhead golf course.

Other ways to support our campaign

5 thoughts on “Please sign our new petition

  1. This is the last green place accessible to residents of Maidenhead to access pace to exercise, relax and ensure their mental health is ensured. This area was left to people of Maidenhead be original owners

  2. Please reconsider the inclusion of the Maidenhead Golf Course to save it in the light of the outcome of the 2022 COP 26 Conference held in Glasgow.

  3. The overdevelopment of this lovely green area without any adequate infrastructure is appalling when all the surrounding roads are gridlocked already. Added to that is the huge amount of pollution which will result from this huge development. Please reconsider the effects on the environment

  4. I have just been made aware of the following which looks to clash and be at a different location to the demonstration.

    “Full Council is holding an extraordinary meeting at the Holiday Inn, Maidenhead, on Tuesday 8 February at 7pm, to consider adoption of the Borough Local Plan. We’ve deliberately chosen a large venue with plenty of car parking spaces, given the significant public interest.”

    1. Thanks Ivan – we are still going ahead with our demo outside the town hall at 6pm as there’s public open space there. The Holiday Inn is private. The council has allocated 170 seats for the public at the meeting so people who attend our demo can also head up to the Holiday Inn in time for the meeting at 7pm. Or watch it at home on Youtube.

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