Maidenhead Great Park campaign Community Consultation event, 22 February 2025

Come to our consultation event 22 Feb

Following the designation of Maidenhead golf course by the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) as an Asset of Community Value (ACV), we’re planning a community consultation drop-in event at Larchfield Community Centre on Saturday 22 February 2025, 10am to 4pm. As a result of the golf course’s designation…

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Maidenhead Great Park's campaign to save publicly owned woodlands and greenspace from being concreted over

Why RBWM can’t afford not to back out of golf course deal

Following the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead’s council meeting on 17 July, where the council responded to our latest petition calling for the protection of the greenspace and woodlands at Maidenhead golf course, we wrote the following letter: Dear Cllr Werner, Leader of RBWM RBWM’s response to our petition…

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Ecology reports show biodiversity importance of Maidenhead Golf Course woodlands

Drawing on the results of a series of ecology surveys, we have listed below the key habitats and species at risk from the RBWM’s plans to build over 2,000 flats and houses on Maidenhead Golf Course, and we are calling for the urgent protection and specialist management of the woodlands…

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Fundraising for the Maidenhead Great Park campaign

Please help us to defend nature in our town Maidenhead is fortunate to have 132 acres of woodland and greenspace in its town centre, that is owned by the people of Maidenhead and currently leased to Maidenhead Golf Club. This is a much-needed green lung for our community and provides…

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Maidenhead Great Park's campaign to save publicly owned woodlands and greenspace from being concreted over

Golf Course designated Asset of Community Value

Following an application made by the Maidenhead Great Park campaign group, the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) has designated Maidenhead golf course an Asset of Community Value (ACV). As a result of this designation, RBMW cannot sell the land, or any part of it, without first giving the…

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Maidenhead Great Park's campaign to save publicly owned woodlands and greenspace from being concreted over

Join our next demo

The golf course planning application hearing has been postponed again as the Highways Agency have not been given all the information required. We’ll let you know as soon as we know the new planning hearing date and we’ll organise a demonstration that evening asking our council to reject these environmentally…

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Rushington Copse ancient woodland on Maidenhead golf course

Significant harm to biodiversity

We asked Future Nature WTC (BBOWT’s ecology consultancy) to examine CALA Homes’ outline planning application to develop Maidenhead golf course and to submit an objection. Cala Homes has undervalued the woodland habitats Future Nature’s assessment found the application undervalues the woodland areas and scattered trees in relation to both their…

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As a green open space Maidenhead Golf Course soaks up rainfall and reduces flood risk in Maidenhead

Why developing Maidenhead Golf Course will increase our flood risk

Hundreds of objections to Cala Homes’ outline planning application to build 1,500 new homes on Maidenhead Golf Course have been submitted. One of these objections analyses the impact of the development on flood risk. There can be no doubt that climate change is already dramatically altering our weather patterns.  We’ve…

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