Lord Desborough was a great benefactor of Maidenhead

Described by his friends as a man who gets things done, William Henry Grenfell (1855-1945) who became Lord Desborough, was certainly a great man of his time. He was Mayor of Maidenhead in 1896 and then again a year later, and High Steward for 60 years.  In 1889 his lasting…

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Children tell us what they think about plans to build on their greenspace

Thanks to help from Face2Face Direct Maidenhead, the Maidenhead Great Park campaign group has spoken to some local children to find out what they think about our council’s plans to build on the greenspace of the golf course. They talk about the importance of being able to walk to your…

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There’s no protection for the trees on Maidenhead Golf Course

We estimate there are thousands of trees on the council owned land, currently leased by Maidenhead Golf Club, providing important wildlife habitats and locking up around 16,000 tonnes of carbon. The trees range from ancient oaks and ash trees, to mature fir, willow, maple and many smaller oak trees. Aerial…

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Air pollution kills

Maidenhead golf course provides a green lung for our town, with thousands of trees converting carbon dioxide into oxygen, and absorbing some of the fine particulate pollutants in our atmosphere. Our local roads, motorways and Heathrow airport deliver lots of polluting emissions into our air, and the geography of the…

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Maidenhead Great Park campaign motion narrowly defeated

Following the closure of our petition, on Tuesday 2 March we put forward a motion to our council at their Extraordinary Full Council meeting.  Cllr Geoff Hill asked the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to protect the whole area of parkland currently leased by Maidenhead Golf Club, so that…

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Write to your local councillor

If you’d like to support our campaign to protect the green belt land of the golf course, please do email or write to the Leader of our council Andrew Johnson, and copy in your local councillor. Please do write ahead of the Extraordinary Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday 2 March…

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