Art For the Park Competition

Create some Art for the Park

Having access to local parks and greenspaces is really important for our physical and mental health and wellbeing, especially for children. 

The Maidenhead Great Park campaign asks our council to turn the parkland currently occupied by Maidenhead Golf Club into a park for everyone, rather than developing it for housing. 

To help raise awareness of our campaign, and the importance of parks for children, local artist Emma Sweeting has launched an ‘Art for the Park’ competition, asking primary school children in the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead to create a piece of art inspired by the idea of the new park. 

The competition is being hosted by Sweetings Greetings. Every week until 17 December, Emma will share her favourite entries on her social media sites. 

Entries need to be in by 10 December 2020. 

For more information, including easy to follow videos to help kids get started, go to or Emma’s Facebook page

To sign our petition, go to

2 thoughts on “Create some Art for the Park

  1. Lovely initiative and agree with everything as a Maidenhead resident and a person concerned about the environment and people’s wellbeing.

    1. Hi Daniel,

      We are hoping to launch a similar thing in the next day or so to colour / decorate a tree and hang it in the window. Have you been involved in any of our recent demonstrations? If not the speeches are all on our website along with other things that we have been doing.

      Thank you for your support.


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