We took to the footpath!
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On Monday 7 September, to raise awareness of our campaign to create Maidenhead Great Park and our petition, we asked our supporters to gather (socially distanced) along the footpath that crosses the golf course.
We were delighted with the response, with over 100 people turning out to show their support for keeping the golf course green. And we had another boost when the Maidenhead Advertiser published an article about our footpath event in their 10 September edition.
Since then, our petition numbers have been steadily growing, and with just over four weeks to go until it closes, we currently have 2,788 signatures.
We need as many signatures as possible from people aged 18 and over living in the Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead, to show our council just how much people in the Borough value their greenspace.
Remember, this is publicly owned land, left to the people of Maidenhead by Lord Desborough. It’s also Green Belt land, but our council is wants to develop it with over 2,000 new dwellings, many of them high rise flats. The planning inspector will decide, following the Borough Local Plan hearings which are currently underway, whether or not our council can go ahead with their plans.
In the meantime, please do sign and share our petition below, and thank you to everyone who has supported our campaign so far.