Join our footpath protest on Earth Day
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As part of our campaign to stop the over-development of Maidenhead, we are asking people to join our footpath procession across Maidenhead Golf Course, on Earth Day, Friday 22 April at 6.30pm.
The event aims to highlight the damage to our community of the planned destruction of woodlands and greenspace in our town, as set out in the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead’s Borough Local Plan.
Tina Quadrino, leader of the Maidenhead Great Park campaign, explains:
“Our council’s environmentally damaging Borough Local Plan commits to building 15,948 new homes, including 2,600 on the green belt at Maidenhead Golf Course and Harvest Hill, 270 in Cookham and 330 at Spencer’s Farm.
“Hundreds of acres of greenspace in our town will be lost forever over the next 11 years.
“This massive over-development of our town will turn it into a major construction site, causing significant disruption and stress to the people of Maidenhead, and surrounding villages over the next 10 to 15 years. There will be more traffic, congestion, noise, flooding and air pollution, as well as more pressure on local infrastructure, health and social services.
“The golf course development will destroy woodlands and wildlife habitats, as well as Maidenhead’s green lung. It will also take away our opportunity to create Maidenhead Great Park, and to take steps to make our town a better place to live in the face of climate change.
Public opinion matters
“It’s not too late to stop this over-development. Public opinion does matter, but we urgently need the support of as many people in Maidenhead and the surrounding villages as possible to demonstrate that this massive loss of greenspace and wildlife habitats in our town is unacceptable.”
Event details
Maidenhead Great Park’s footpath procession will begin at the Shoppenhanger’s Road end of the golf course footpath, at 6.30pm. The footpath entrance is next to Frederick’s Hotel & Spa on Shoppenhanger’s Road, Maidenhead SL6 2PZ.
The procession, will walk across the golf course to meet the Clifton Close end of the footpath, before returning back across to Shoppenhanger’s Road. The event will end at 7pm.

Other ways to support our campaign:
- Contribute to our Go Fund Me campaign, raising money for the legal and environmental expertise we need to ensure vital greenspace is protected for our community and for future generations https://www.gofundme.com/f/maidenhead-great-park
- Sign our petition asking our council to increase monitoring of health damaging air polluting particulates https://rbwm.moderngov.co.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=2163&RPID=8165838&HPID=8165838
I’ll be there
I will be there
I will be there but 30 mins i dont think so !!
I Will try to get as many people from Strande Park to come .