We’ve launched a new air pollution petition

Yesterday (8 March 2022) we’ve started a new petition asking the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM) to increase and improve its measurements of health damaging PM10 and PM2.5 particulates.

Our government recognises air pollution as “a major health risk, ranking alongside cancer, heart disease and obesity. It shortens lives and damages quality of life.”

RBWM acknowledges the health damage caused by air pollution too, but it isn’t taking effective action to tackle it.

The Borough’s Environment & Climate Strategy pledges to improve air quality.

RBWM’s approved Borough Local Plan commits to building 15,948 new homes, including 2,600 on the green belt land of Maidenhead golf course and land the other side of Harvest Hill. Trees and vegetation help to improve air quality, but building on the golf course will remove that vital green lung.

Increased road traffic created by the cars of thousands more residents, as well as 10 years of major construction traffic, will make air pollution much worse than it is now.

Without proper air pollution measurements, RBWM cannot take appropriate action to improve air quality, and protect the health of the residents it serves.

Please sign our petition to help us to hold our council to account on this important issue affecting the health of our community https://rbwm.moderngov.co.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=2163&RPID=8125846&HPID=8125846

Paper copies

We also have a paper version of the petition that you can print off and sign. Please do email us at maidenheadgreatpark@gmail.com if you’d like a copy. Or go to the Filling Good Shop on Maidenhead High Street (no.22).

Trees absorb air pollution and carbon

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