Protect our green lung
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Maidenhead Golf Course in the heart of Maidenhead. It is a 132 acre site with large areas of woodland. It is known locally as the green lung, helping to provide clean air in Maidenhead.
There is a real need to improve our air so that everyone, but especially children who are the most vulnerable, can breathe safely.
Air quality is the largest environmental health risk in the UK. It shortens lives and contributes to chronic illness.
RBWM now want to build 2,000 homes on this green belt land.
As well as increasing pressure on our local infrastructure, this will result in increased traffic and air pollution.
Our elected representatives at RBWM promised before the last local elections that, to quote ‘we are going to resist green belt release’. They have since also declared a climate emergency.
It is important to keep these promises and take decisions that will mitigate the impacts of climate change, including providing clean air.
We ask our council to withdraw its threat to CPO the golf club
We ask RBWM to withdraw the threat of a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) to get Maidenhead Golf Club to surrender their lease – if they don’t accept the almost £16 million of public money offer to leave.
We ask Maidenhead Golf Club members to respect the 125 year history of the club. To resist any deal offered and continue to play golf on this fine course.
Protect this green belt land and our green lung.
Great video. I hope the council withdraws it threat of a Compulsory Purchase Order so that the members feel free to reject the offer to sell the remainder if the lease to the council who by the way are attempting to buy them out with OUR money.
Loved the video, have shared it on my Facebook page. See you on the 23rd, accompanied by my 12 year old grandson