Protect this greenspace for future generations

Our short video shows how beautiful the golf course is. About 40 per cent of the area is woodland, so there’s important habitat for a range of wildlife species.

Our next demonstration will be on 14 December 2021

The Maidenhead Great Park campaign group is organising another peaceful demonstration outside Maidenhead Town Hall at 6.30pm on Tuesday 14 December.

We are again asking our councillors to vote against the adoption of the environmentally damaging Borough Local Plan.

Building on the golf course goes against all the steps we must take to prepare for Climate Change

The plan, which includes building 2,000 new flats and houses on the greenbelt land of Maidenhead Golf Course, goes against all the steps we must take to prepare for the effects of climate change.

The golf course land is publicly owned – so it belongs to us, the people of Maidenhead. It is vital we protect this space from development so it continues to provide vital wildlife habitats, be our green lung and a place for water storage. 

We must protect it so that future generations will be able to choose how best to use this parkland for the wellbeing of our community, including protecting biodiversity, tree planting, water storage, community activities and public amenity.

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