Group of people on golf course who supporting campagin

Ways to support our campaign

If you’d like to help us to stop the development of the golf course, please use your democratic voice in the following ways:

  1. Write to our MP, Theresa May to say you oppose the development of the golf course ( You could use the words in the postcard above, or cut and paste from our ‘8 reasons why Maidenhead golf course should stay green’ blog
  2. Write to the leader of our Council ( or print off our postcard (above) and send it to him
  3. Write to your local councillor – you can look up their contact details here:
  4. Sign the government petition calling for a ban on green belt and green belt sites across the country

By standing together and repeatedly telling our council that this is not the right way forward for our community, we will get this stopped. But we have to keep going, and every email and letter to the people in charge matters.

Thank you for your support.

2 thoughts on “Ways to support our campaign

  1. Thank you for representing what I hope is a silent majority of people who are otherwise too distracted with modern busy lives to be aware of what the council is doing to this town and our wonderful green spaces.

    So much relies on community action groups such as this to hold councils and governments to account and to push back when awful plans and decisions are made.

    I do hope that the local and national press take up the cause also as it is often only at that stage, when the spotlight gets brighter on such injustices that those in power think about the consequences.

  2. Thanks for your efforts. I have just dropped our MP an email. Given the growing strength of feeling and support for the Maidenhead Great Park campaign, she has to be interested in what her worried constituents are saying.

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