Which way did your local councillors vote?

We thought you might like to know which way your local councillors voted at the Full Council meeting held on 2 March 2021, when Cllr Hill of Oldfield put forward a motion asking our council to protect the greenspace of Maidenhead Golf Course.

Here’s a list of councillors, showing whether they voted to keep the golf course land green (for), or to continue with plans to develop the publicly owned greenbelt parkland for housing (against).

The results on the night were 19 for vs 20 against, so it was close.  Please do write to your local councillors if they voted against, and you want to support our campaign. There’s a link at the bottom, taking you to where you can look up your local councillor’s contact details.

Cllr Baldwin (Belmont, Lib Dem): FOR
Cllr Baskerville (Pinkneys Green, Lib Dem): FOR
Cllr Bateson (Sunningdale & Cheapside, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Bhangra (Boyn Hill, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Bond (Belmont, Lib Dem): FOR
Cllr Bowden (Eton & Castle, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Brar (Bisham & Cookham, Lib Dem): FOR
Cllr Cannon (Datchet, Horton & Wraysbury, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Carroll (Boyn Hill, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Clark (Bisham & Cookham, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Coppinger (Bray, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Carole Da Costa (Clewer & Dedworth East, West Windsor Residents Association): FOR
Cllr Wisdom Da Costa (Clewer & Dedworth West, West Windsor Residents Association): FOR
Cllr Davey (Clewer & Dedworth West, West Windsor Residents Association): FOR
Cllr Davies (Clewer East, Lib Dem): FOR
Cllr Del Campo (Furze Platt, Lib Dem): FOR
Cllr Haseler (Cox Green, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Hill (Oldfield, Independent): FOR
Cllr Hilton (Ascot & Sunninghill, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Hunt (Hurley & Walthams, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Johnson (Hurley & Walthams, Conservative) : AGAINST
Cllr Greg Jones (Riverside, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Lynne Jones (Old Windsor, Independent): ABSTAIN
Cllr Knowles (Old Windsor, Independent): FOR
Cllr Larcombe (Datchet, Horton & Wraysbury, National Flood Prevention Party): FOR
Cllr Luxton (Sunningdale & Cheapside, Conservative Mayor): AGAINST
Cllr McWilliams (Cox Green, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Muir (Datchet, Horton & Wraysbury, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Price (Clewer & Dedworth East, The Borough First): FOR
Cllr Reynolds (Furze Platt, Lib Dem): FOR
Cllr Sharpe (Ascot & Sunninghill, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Shelim (Castle & Eton, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Singh (St Mary’s, Lib Dem): FOR
Cllr Stimson (St Mary’s, Conservative): FOR
Cllr Story (Ascot & Sunninghill, Conservative) AGAINST
Cllr Targowski (Riverside, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Taylor (Oldfield, Independent): FOR
Cllr Tisi (Clewer East, Lib Dem): FOR
Cllr Walters (Bray, Conservative): AGAINST
Cllr Werner (Pinkneys Green, Lib Dem): FOR


6 thoughts on “Which way did your local councillors vote?

  1. All these councillors don’t even live in the area & many of them are only in for their own agendas, they don’t want housing on there own area cllr sharpe said about building 44 stories high on golf course but not on his own patch. Ross McWilliams seems bent on being like his mate Simon Dudley, certainly don’t trust the man. Andrew Johnson thinking he’s back in Hammersmith & Fulum.

    1. Thanks for your support Doug, then as now…

      Tell everyone you know to write to their local Cllr telling them that they do NOT want them to vote to approve the environmentally damaging Borough Local Plan…

      We have contact names and email addresses on this website as well as helpful hints on what else to write.

      We could do a template but it’s less likely to be actually read than a heart felt message – even a very short one.

      We keep fighting – watch this space for more info…

  2. I am an ex-Maidonian – moved to Yorkshire in 1987. My wider family come from Maidenhead and still reside locally. I wish there was a way for ex-residents to vote about this topic – the Councillors from outside the area are given a vote – why can’t we sign the petition?
    It’s just not fair and balanced in favour of the developers.

  3. Totally agree with the comment above. We live across the Thames in South Bucks. Closer than a lot of the councillors who voted against saving this green space. Yet we have no say.

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