Maidenhead great park demostrators outside L&G Tempo building

Come to our demo 16 April

At 6pm on Tuesday 16 April we’re planning a demonstration in Maidenhead town centre against Cala Homes’ plan to develop Maidenhead Golf Course.

We understand the need for new homes, but these should be built on brownfield land, such as the empty office blocks at Reform Road. It is not sustainable to build on our woodlands and greenspace.

Cala’s plans to develop 1,500 homes at Maidenhead Golf Course will turn our town into a massive building site for the next 15 years. The development will make our air will be more polluted, our roads more congested, our town more at risk from flooding and our rivers more polluted.

There will be less wildlife, trees and greenspace. And the opportunity to make the best use of this publicly owned greenspace for nature and our community will be lost forever.

If you’d like to stand with us against these environmentally damaging plans, please come to our peaceful demonstration starting at Maidenhead Town Hall at 6pm on Tuesday 16 April.

Thanks to everyone who supported our demo on 16 April. Here’s a link to the BBC’s report

Check for updates here on our website, on our social media channels, or sign-up for our emails by messaging us at

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