Thousands of trees will be cut down at Maidenhead golf course if Cala Homes' plans are approved

Thousands of trees will be felled

Thousands of trees will be felled on Maidenhead golf course if Cala Homes’ planning application is approved. The the woodland areas marked in black on the above map are set to be destroyed if plans to build 1,500 homes are given the go-ahead.

Long sections of hedgerow will also be obliterated, just as we’ve seen at the Berkeley Homes Spring Hill development currently underway across the road at Manor Lane.

Most of the trees under threat are mature English Oak trees, but there are also many Ash, Elm, Maple, Willow, Rowan, Lime, Beech, Holly, Silver Birch, Scots Pine and Hawthorn trees at risk.

New homes must be built on brownfield sites

We understand the need for new homes, particularly affordable and social housing, but these must be built in sustainable locations, not on woodlands, wildlife habitats and publicly-owned greenspace. Building on brownfield sites in our town centre, like the empty offices on Reform Road, must be the priority.

If Cala Homes plans are approved, Maidenhead’s air pollution, flood and drought risks will increase, and while the number of trees, areas of greenspace and wildlife in our community will significantly decrease.

How to object to the planning application

Please support our campaign by objecting to the Cala Homes planning application. We’ve given guidance on how to do that here:

There are around 10,000 trees on Maidenhead golf course

There are around 10,000 trees on Maidenhead Golf Course
There are around 10,000 trees on Maidenhead Golf Course

The 132 acres of green space leased by Maidenhead Golf Club has around 10,000 trees (including three registered on the Ancient Tree Inventory), many types of wild flowers and fungi, all supporting a rich array of wildlife.

For more information about the ecological value of Maidenhead golf course and its trees, go to

7 thoughts on “Thousands of trees will be felled

  1. We need the trees for the clean air and oxygen.How many more houses and flats do we need in Maidenhead.It is absolutely disgusting this is being allowed to go ahead.

  2. The people of Maidenhead do not want this development to go ahead!! Someone please take note and stop it BEFORE it is too late.

  3. Democracy is an illusion in this country. Politicians tell us we have it, but what they really mean is that we can open our mouths and express a view, and be satisfied with that.
    Neither the government nor the council has any intention of implementing what the people really want. The destruction of the environment goes on apace, and it’s an utter disgrace.

  4. We all need to persuade, lobby, harrass or whatevers needed to stop Cala Homes…it should never have got this far when there are so many other brownfield sites for building. Maybe a pitchfork and flametorch protest outside their offices will get their attention.

  5. The golf course site was purchased by Maidenhead Borough Council in 1953 to ensure that it would always remain as a green space.
    A major reason why the previous Conservative Council was voted out of office by residents in 2023 was their plans to develop this wonderful site.
    This site should be retained and made available to the 80,000 people who live in Maidenhead and its surrounds since it would provide enormous health benefits and wellbeing. The perfect antidote to the shocking overdevelopment that has already taken place in the town centre.

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