Environmentally damaging planning application submitted to develop Maidenhead Golf Course
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Sadly, on 8 January 2024, Cala Homes submitted its outline planning application to develop Maidenhead golf course with up to 1,500 new homes.
Here’s a link to the planning application https://publicaccess.rbwm.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=S6ZPDMNI0PG00
Please do comment on and object to this environmentally damaging development plan.
How to object
You can comment via the planning portal, or you can simply email planning@rbwm.gov.uk to give your reasons why you object to this planning application. Include the ref no 24/00091/OUT and give your full name and address. The current deadline for comments is 27 Feb 2024, but we expect this date to be extended and all correspondence to be considered up until the application is discussed at panel.
What we stand to lose
The 132 acres (55 hectares or 88 football pitches) of green space at Maidenhead golf course has around 10,000 trees (including three registered on the Ancient Tree Inventory), many types of wild flowers (including bluebells) and fungi, all supporting a rich array of wildlife. There are roe and muntjac deer, foxes, woodpeckers, jays, woodland birds, butterflies, moths, bees, bumblebees, stag beetles, grass snakes, moths, owls, kestrels, red kites, hedgehogs, slow worms, sparrowhawks and at least eight species of bats.
Here’s a link to our Maidenhead golf course ecology surveys Ecology Reports & Petitions – Maidenhead Great Park
Why this green open space is vital for our community
Please make the point that protecting greenspace and biodiversity is a vital part of the steps we must take to prepare for and mitigate against the effects of climate change. Our government has signed-up to the UN’s Sustainability Goals, including taking urgent action ‘to reduce the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity which are part of our common heritage and support global food and water security, climate change mitigation and adaption, and peace and security.’
The UK is one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries in the world https://www.wwf.org.uk/future-of-uk-nature and a new study published in the journal of Forestry and highlighted in the Guardian this week (8 November) warns UK forests face catastrophic ecosystem collapse within 50 years due to multiple threats https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/08/uk-forests-face-catastrophic-ecosystem-collapse-within-50-years-study-says-aoe
Environmental Impact of the development
Click here to see the top-line findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) scoping report prepared for Cala Homes regarding the development of Maidenhead Golf Course: https://maidenheadgreatpark.co.uk/environmental-impact-assessment-for-golf-course-admits-significant-environmental-effects
Please sign our petition
Please also sign and share our petition asking our council to protect the woodlands and public open space of Maidenhead Golf Course https://rbwm.moderngov.co.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?Id=2184
Anyone who lives in the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead can sign, including those under the age of 18.
It will be devastating for wildlife and air quality if this development proceeds.
We are losing too much green space in Maidenhead this will be a disaster for wildlife pollution and not to mention traffic it will be chaos if this goes ahead
The Cala Homes application is about one thing – making money. Yes, we need houses but but not on a green space that can improve quality of life for everyone and every creature.
Loss of a large valuable wildlife site will start the very moment the developer arrives, should this happen, and continue with increasing, irreversible damage throughout the whole process … for how many years? Statements about “protection”, “green spine” etc are a joke – we only have to see what actually results from the projects of this and other developers in our area.