Come to our demo on 23 November!
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The next step in our campaign to save the green belt land of Maidenhead Golf Course from development, is to stage a peaceful demonstration outside Maidenhead Town Hall on Tuesday 23 November at 6.30pm. There’s a Full Council meeting taking place that night in Windsor.
The purpose of the demonstration is to ask our councillors to vote against the formal adoption of the Borough Local Plan, which will give permission for the development of this green belt land to go ahead.
When we took our petition to Full Council on 2 March 2021, asking for the greenspace of the golf course to be protected, 19 councillors voted to keep it green. Sadly we lost the motion by just one vote as 20 councillors (all Conservative) voted against 4,444 people who signed the petition.
We know that Conservative councillors will be under pressure to vote to adopt the BLP, but we would like to use the demonstration as a way to urge them to vote with the best interests of our community’s long term future in mind, rather than short term financial gain. Through the recent corporate plan consultation, residents of RBWM have stated they want all council plans to have the climate, the environment and biodiversity front and centre. Revisiting the BLP would enable this to happen.
We don’t yet know the date of the council meeting where the BLP plan will come forward for formal adoption, as the planning inspector is still considering public representations on the proposed main modifications to the plan.