Greenwashing our Borough Local Plan

Author Michelle Carvill talked about greenwashing and our Borough Local Place at our demonstration last night.

You can watch Michelle’s speech here:

Coming out of COP26, we’ve all heard a lot more about the term ‘greenwash’.

Effectively, greenwashing is when organisations and brands make green claims, that really are ‘versions of the truth’ rather than the actual truth.  In my book, I refer to greenwashing as ‘lying’.

Of course, brands and organisations get away with greenwash by relying on the fact that their audiences are largely busy people, going about their everyday lives – and therefore won’t bother to investigate or challenge brands to substantiate their claims.

However, when you look behind the reality of some of the claims that brands and organisations are making, that’s when you start to uncover the truth that many of the claims made just don’t stand up.

Research from the Competition and Markets Authority this year found 40-60% of green claims to be misleading and unsubstantiated. 

And given that it’s such a big problem, they brought into force ‘The Green Claims Code’ – which is enforceable as of Jan 2022.

The Green Claims Code calls for brands and organisations to provide transparency, clarity and fully substantiate their claims. 

And that includes considering the claims and responsibility of the full supply chain – so it’s potentially a significant piece of legislation.

This sense of being greenwashed and lied to is exactly what I have uncovered when looking further into our Council’s Borough Local Plan. 

I’ve raised a number of questions with a number of local councillors and our MP Theresa May, because, quite frankly the responses I’ve received aren’t actually addressing my queries around potential greenwash.  And there is a distinct lack of transparency.

When organisations act responsibly, clearly substantiate claims and are open and transparent – this builds trust and respect. However, I am afraid, trust and respect are woefully missing when it comes to many of our councillors and the Borough Local Plan. 

Many vital components as such as clarity, transparency, data sets and substantiated reason is missing from communications and information available to us. And there is a real sense of this project being rail-roaded, and a real sense of ‘urgency’ and therefore, back-handedness for them to get this through and reap the commercial rewards – regardless of ‘cost’ to people and planet.

You too may have heard that Theresa May fully supports the plan

And has ‘washed her hands’ of any stance case against it.  But I’m afraid, that’s not something any responsible person appointed to her role can simply do.

Personally, I am clearly becoming a complete pain the backside for the local council on this matter.  But all I am doing is asking questions – sometimes thorny questions – which as someone concerned about what is happening not only with the planet, but more locally with our community and climate plans, I have every right to ask. 

I’m asking questions around:

– Cllr Ross McWilliams and the conflict of interest with CALA Homes;

– the penalty in place which our council will have to pay to CALA Homes should the plan not get approval;

– the percentage of affordable homes and what affordable looks like;

– the amount of public money on the table with CALA Homes;

– why they are working from data and figures almost a decade old – which are not a true and accurate assessment of the housing requirements for the borough; and

– how many empty office spaces available in Maidenhead, that have potential for refurbishment? 

Simple questions, but so far, no answers – or answers that swerve and deflect or pass the question on to someone else.

So my call to action to you is that you also share with Theresa May just how disgruntled you’re feeling

About the lack of transparency the lack of answering basic questions and the lack of clarity.  Let’s not be bullied, ignored or railroaded and be made to feel hopeless. Instead – take action, ideally – this evening. 

We’ve made taking action simple – Go to www, – and on the front page you’ll see a letter which you can simply copy and paste, or tailor it if you wish.  We’ve also put Theresa May’s email there.  She may be able to ‘wash her hands’ of a handful of emails – but hundreds can’t be ignored.

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