Maidenhead Great Park's campaign to save publicly owned woodlands and greenspace from being concreted over

We’re hopeful there will be a positive change

Following the local elections on 4 May, our new Lib Dem council formally took control on 23 May.

Reviewing golf course development plans is a key priority

We recently met with our new council Leader Simon Werner, and we understand that reviewing development plans for the golf course, along with other green belt sites, is one of his key priorities.

He explained they are now in the process of looking through the contracts and talking to the RBWM Property Development Company and CALA Homes, to investigate if there is any way to postpone or stop the development altogether.  This is being led by Adam Bermange, lead member for planning and asset management, and a supporter of the Maidenhead Great Park campaign.

If there is no way to get out of the deal, they will use their leverage to reduce the impact of any developments on the site. 

He continued to be careful not to raise expectations too high as there is still a lot of work to do.

Ways we’d like to see the land managed

In a follow-up letter to Simon Werner, we outlined the ways in which we’d like to see this publicly owned land managed for the benefit of our community going forward.

We explained that overall, we consider extending the golf club lease beyond the current 2025 position, is the best way of safeguarding the land in the medium term, especially if this would prevent incurring further public debt.

In the meantime, we are continuing to investigate ways to challenge the Borough Local Plan, including examining evidence that was not shared with the planning inspector, nor as part of our legal challenge. 

We want to thank everyone who has supported our case because, as you will know, the Maidenhead Great Park group and the court case were pivotal in shaping the outcome of the local election.

We hope to be able to bring you news on the next steps of our campaign very soon.

One thought on “We’re hopeful there will be a positive change

  1. thanks to everyone involved in fighting the development – let’s hope common sense rather than profit motives prevail with these decision makers and any housing that’s needed gets put on non green belt land! there HAVE to be areas better suited than one of the most beautiful places in the town that cleans the very air we breath!

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